MOVIE REVIEW: Warcraft - The Beginning

It's not news that Blizzard's one of the most long running and innovative companies in the videogames genre. After a good series of both Warcrafts and World of Warcraft, followed by free to plays such as Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone, and the newest addition Overwatch, today we see the birth of a retelling of the original Warcraft story in cinemas.

"Warcraft" is the first stone of the long bridge that will unite the gap between those who don't know videogames and those who remember "Warcraft: Orcs and Humans" with a nostalgic eye. The story begins just like "Assassin's Creed Brotherhood did back in its day, just from middle/end story, in which we see an orc fighting a human for no apparent reason. Through the first part of the movie we will come to know that orcs had once a huge world that got destroyed once Gul'Dahn became warchief, thanks also to a mysterious and evil magic force called Vil. This race went looking for a new home, eventually finding Azeroth, the world of humans, elves and dwarves. After the orcs came in the world, the commander Anduin got in charge of calling the ancient guardian Mediv to find a way to push away the Horde (Get it?) and bring it back to its original place. 
The story always stays on the epic side, without ever being too much or too less, and resulting at some points less interesting than it should be. Don't get me wrong, the movie is awesome indeed, but it has the "flaw" of being too much epic and making people lose interest by being too packed in the whole experience. A better pacing could've helped. Anyways, characters are strong, and the cast is not huge, but newer people will have more trouble understanding all roles and people's names.

Graphics and Sound

Let's not beat around the bush: Blizzard graphically speaking did a wonderful job, using environments that a lot of people learned to love and that most people today, with nostalgic eyes, watch on the big screen. Characters are nice and cannot be confused one with another: everybody has a particular connotation and everybody answers to a name that can be remembered from lots for different reasons. Adding to the cauldron is also a decent soundtrack, that more or less uses the same track with different instruments for the whole experience. Last, but not least, is the italian dub, really clean and smooth, believable and really nice to hear.

Final comment
Since I have not played the original Warcraft, I can just say that I appreciated this movie for the only reason that it introduced me to a convincing and appealing story, with an epicness that only movies like "300" and "the Gladiator" can achieve. This is a great movie that has to be watched for what it is, an epic retelling of a successful old videogame trilogy, which I surely wait the sequel of. 


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